Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Battle Between Me & Myself

“What’s with that starfish?”— I asked one of the alumni. “It’s our commitment to the community, a simple way of making difference” he said.
It started by thinking how ‘simple things’ can really make a difference. I used to do things as great as possible. I wanted to be unique on my own. And I came up to a conclusion that I can also be part of this starfish throwing activity with them—but in my own way again.
Three years ago, I was eyeing Ayala Young Leaders Congress because of its prestige. It was an impossible thing then but I know by exposing myself in the community, it can progress me—and that’s the easy thing I said, to get involved in community service and holding key positions in an organization.
Then I started it gradually. Through time, I experienced several changes in my life and principle. The passion was intensified, the sacrifices were crucial, the realizations got into my mind unorganized—unbalanced lifestyle.
I had several key positions in different organizations; I had experienced trainings and seminars; I thought I was an excellent leader then that I can handle an organization alone with my knowledge, but I was wrong. I thought of leadership as a battle between leaders showing how excellent they are in every projects and prestigious leadership search they got.
Step by step, I understand what leadership really means. While we are growing, our ideas also broaden. So we are going beyond what basics and fundamentals are. There were many principles sprouted as I track this passion, but systematically having a framework of this, could lead us clearly what is it. I got so many ideas but the very essence of leadership aside from influencing positively is the value of its calling and the innate passion that warms me every time I do something even if it’s simple.
I was still developing myself to become an effective leader until I reached the point of applying to AYLC. I didn’t notice how time passed by that I was into AYLC then. I passed it until the final screening having what I’ve learned from my community and leadership life. Who could imagine that this nobody man understanding leadership as a title as his starting idea can pass through the screenings of his leadership tests and hereby gone through AYLC?
“Maybe they saw something in me, something that can change the paradigm to win hearts and minds, something as prestigious as any leadership award and title that makes us up to temporal aims, and something that I should find and share to the world.”
Just even before the congress, one of the unique programs was the adopt-a-delegate where we met alumni. We’ve got to know what kind of alumni AYLA have. How they achieved where they are now and how they live their lives after the congress and it’s such a privilege to be imparting us their precautions and pre-congress realizations.
During the congress, I just observed my fellow youth leaders. I was indeed intimidated of their excellence that I even forgot where I should be focussing. I was distracted at first. I was out of the line again. But I did get back to where I should be and just showed what I’ve got and who I am.
Indeed, there were several thoughts and realizations as everyone expected. Plus, the freebies and the unlimited ice cream drama. The wantusawa best feeding program in the world and the puyatan drama of the league of Quack! Quack! Convenors (you know what I mean with the quack quack).
I am called to change the paradigms. I am called to win hearts and minds. I am called to share what I’ve got and get aided. I can’t believe that I am now an alumnus of AYLC, we thought it concluded after departing the training centre, but it was just indeed a commencement.
A four-day of challenging and exuberant activities—listening, sharing, and involving myself were actually life changing but what’s important are the challenges that are waiting ahead of us, the challenges that we’ll be going to face and fight with. “This, indeed, is the true battle in leadership, a battle between me and myself— defeating the barriers of responding to the call to make a significant difference and have the courage plus initiative to change the paradigm”
I am Kevin Vidar aware with the vision as steward to serve my community. I fight with the barriers of answering the call and I live to love and to lead  individuals.
After AYLC?I can now see starfishes ahead of me— I will throw them back to the sea step by step.
Yes, I am not Superman, but just an Ayala Young Leader that will serve you all the way!

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